Thursday, March 7, 2013


This evening in class we are asked to write about control.  We are supposed to make notes about things we try to control in our lives.  I smirk because I, of all people in the room, know there is no such thing as control when it comes to our lives.  Life is one giant crap shoot, usually without the shoot and just full of crap.  Life wears humongous steel-toed boots, and those boots are usually kicking my ass.

So I start thinking about the things I try to maintain control over in the course of a typical day.  I've given up control over my body; I'm ripe into middle age -- there is no such thing as control these days.  Knees refuse to turn when I do, hips pop when I bend, and my skin has suddenly decided that teenaged pimple-forehead would look pleasingly attractive on me. 

I wrack my brain:  Control, control, control.  I decide that smacking my head against the cinderblock wall would be more beneficial than this exercise.  What do I try to control in my life?  I write down the word work.  This makes me smirk even more.

Work is probably the one thing furthest from my control out of anything going on in my life.  I can control the weather and the stars and the ocean tides more easily than I can control my job.  Work is a roller coaster ride: Every morning I show up, strap in, and get ready for whatever it throws at me.  Sometimes it's the kiddie coaster; some days it's Kingda Ka.  By the way, anyone who knows me also knows that I do not like roller coasters.

After a few minutes of writing other stuff to try and make my paper look full of great promise, I concede and write:  What do I have control over in my life?  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing at all.  Just like it should be.

Short and sweet, honest to a fault, my class writing assignment is done.  I should write more, but I have an excuse:  I've lost all control.