Sunday, April 7, 2024


 The weather outside has been frightful. It rains buckets for days, and then it snows for about a day and a half, but, since we have so much rain, it all just turns into three inches of slush and ice and muck. 

I've been trying to get together with a friend, a former town-neighbor of mine who now lives south of the tunnel. (For those out of the region, that means I'm north of Boston and she is south of Boston, so commuter traffic makes it impossible to actually get together.) When the weather sucks, the commute is ten-fold worse. I can jump on the T and be in the city in very little time. She doesn't have it so easy. Despite being able to practically spit and hit the city, public transportation from her area is spotty, at best, on any given day. Between trains and rains, getting together has become an epic event.

Finally, we manage to meet at Assembly Row. It's a Tuesday afternoon, and the rain is just about to start another multi-day drop. Most people would say, "Oh, yay, you can go into all the stores!" Nope. Not us. I suppose we could go to Trader Joe's or TJ Maxx, but that means hauling our personal and store-bought booty through the crowded parking lot while getting drenched.

Instead, we decide to go to a bakery/cafe. If you don't know the story behind Tatte, I highly recommend that you read about the innovative woman who founded the brand. If you haven't been to Tatte, I can only speak of the baked goods, although the food menu looks amazing, too. My friend has something marvelously chocolatey, and I have the biggest, fluffiest, most incredible croissant I have ever eaten. My friend also orders a coffee concoction (I know nothing beyond hot and iced where coffee is concerned), and I order English Breakfast tea -- bravo to the place for serving the tea hot, hot, hot. So many places serve tepid tea, and it's annoying as hell.

We end up having Greek food for dinner, which is fine except for the stroll in the rain that starts along with the wind whipping sharp, cold drops against our faces. Yes, the weather is horrid, and, yes, it gets progressively worse for the following forty-eight hours. The company, however, is worth it in any weather at all. The tea and crumpets just make it that much more decadent.