Sunday, November 26, 2023


I finally unload my kayak from my car. My kayak is a snap-together model, so it fits right into the back seat of my little sedan. I left it in the car for an unusually long season, past the freezing point here in New England, because I was determined to get more kayaking in this autumn than I did this summer. 

No such luck.

This past summer sucked. It rained almost every weekend and many days during the week. I spent four days in Laconia, New Hampshire, and I only had one opportunity to kayak. It rained buckets the rest of the time. My favorite pond, which is right around the corner from where I live, was mostly shut down due to the parking lot housing construction equipment to rebuild the dam. 

Needless to say, the kayak got very little time on the water this summer and none this fall.

Now that December is bearing down, this weekend the kayak goes back into the closet, its winter residence, and does nothing but aggravate me when I have to step over displaced snow boots. It's a big yellow reminder that summer wasn't truly summer. It's a huge yellow flag that I didn't get my time's worth out of my investment.

On a positive note, though, now that the kayak has been stored, the sleds can come out of hiding. Maybe it will snow this winter as much as it rained over the summer. I doubt it, though. Mother Nature and I haven't had the most symbiotic relationship, so, if it doesn't snow at all this year, feel free to blame me and Old Yellow.