Sunday, July 2, 2023


 Target, you are a sneaky and horrid witch. A hateful, evil, disgusting corporation.


Because Target already has BACK TO SCHOOL merchandise going up. This picture was from days ago. School just ended. Just. Seriously. Like, less than a week from when this display appeared.

I know Target is a national company, and I know that the Southern states finish up school a month before we do (and, subsequently, start about a month before we do) here in New England. 

But, to quote Chris O'Dowd's character from Bridesmaids: "COME ON!"

For the love of all things sacred, could you wait a damn second?! Can businesses please, please, PLEASE consider the mental health of teachers, many of whom work for these very same businesses during the summer (and after school and on weekends). Can't you hide the pens and pencils and notebooks and lunchboxes for maybe another week or two or three?

I needed something in Staples the other day. Instead of going in, I parked my car, sat still, and stared at the automatic doors. Oh, sure. People went in; people came out. In the end, I couldn't do it. Intellectually I understand that Staples sells office supplies all year long. However, I couldn't face the cheery BACK TO SCHOOL displays I might see. 

I'm not ready.

I just finally touched the pile of work I brought home from school and carefully moved it to another corner of the room, terrified that it or I might burst into blasphemous flames at any moment.

Nope. Not ready at all. Come to think of it, I might not be ready in September, either.