Sunday, February 5, 2023


It's a tad chilly up here in the Northeast. Well,  it's not "too cold for Dunkins iced coffee" chilly, but chilly, just the same. Although by morning the wind seems to have abated, the overnight conditions caused wind chills like we've never felt before. It wasn't a steady wind, either, so the occasional blasts of eerie whooshing were a bit unnerving.

Having calm restored this morning is helpful, but the temperature is still hovering around -14 degrees when I wake up. I decide that today will be an indoor day. I read a book, work on a few puzzles, do some knitting, light several candles, have the gas fireplace cranking, and bake bread. This all sounds remarkably productive, except that I am not really attacking my to-do list in any way, shape, or form.

I suppose that's okay, though. I'm not out causing mayhem, I am not in need of a trail-side rescue, and I haven't had to call AAA. As Saturdays go, it's reasonably sedate, and I discover that I don't truly mind this at all. Not to mention it, but I will, the bread came out reasonably well, especially after melting butter on it. 

Later this week it may hit 50 degrees, which would make it feel like a completely different season and tempt many of us to break out of t-shirts, beach chairs, and flip-flops. It's amazing more of us don't develop walking pneumonia during weather swings like this. But, if anyone does, I can send you some bread to go with your soup. If you don't mind, though, please wait until it's a wee-bit warmer; it's still a little too chilly out there for me.