Sunday, June 14, 2020


My daughter complained recently that she has not been the subject of the blog in quite a while. Part of this is because she has been working nonstop, I have been working nonstop, and Covid-19 has put a stop to anything remotely fun and interesting to do. There are only so many times that we can sit on the porch with face masks, Zoom trivia, and pass like ships in the night while doing laundry.

Finally we get a decent day, too hot, as a matter of fact, so we decide to sit outside. The mini pool that she ordered has not yet arrived, so I bring out plastic storage containers that we fill with water.  Yes, we are those people, the ones who will squat their asses into a vat of cold water on an amazingly toasty day regardless of how many people pass by our heavily trafficked street.

In honor of being those people, and in honor of my daughter wanting to be in the blog again, here are some limericks I penned while enjoying the low-rent version of a side-yard water park.  Enjoy!

On our street we party in pools
To stay so excessively cool.
We spray all the water
Like crazy old otters,
And eat lots of pasta fazool.

The neighborhood gang is agog,
Pretending they are polliwogs.
They question of me,
"Hey, when will it be
That you write of us in your old blog?"

The gang say they'd like me to pick
A blog topic with them in it quick.
I write these poems three,
But they still badger me,
So here is your damn limerick!