Sunday, February 9, 2020


I am definitely going to have to stop driving on Central Street.  For the second time in five years, someone jumped the stop sign at Brook Street and slammed into my car as if I were completely and totally invisible.  Not from a small stop, mind you; both times the person jumping the stop sign did so at a ferocious speed (pedal right to the metal) while looking in the complete opposite direction of oncoming traffic.

Duh.  When driving, it is usually best to be looking AHEAD.  You know, in the f*****g direction that you f******g car is going.

The good news is that no one was injured.  The better news is that the car (mine, anyway) is still driveable.  The best news is that the offending driver has accepted 100% liability, so the insurance claim process runs relatively smooth.

However, the accident and resulting long-term damage is what ultimately led to my last car's demise.  I had to get this current car in a pinch as a result of that other vehicle.  I never really liked this current car that much, but it's nothing against Hyundai or the Sonata itself.  I just plain flat-out am NOT a sedan gal.

Does it make me a terrible person if I kind of wish the frame were to be damaged?  I mean, it was a minor crash, and bless Hyundai for making a car that suffered so little damage when the impact was both startling and caused my car to spin about thirty degrees into the other lane.  If Brook/Central slowly killed my car once over the long term, might it be able to do the same but make it a bit more instantaneous so I am not continuously shelling out money for accident-related damages?  I already had to replace a brake light that jostled itself out during the impact, so there's fifteen dollars I'll never see again.

Okay, okay.  I know.  I'm very lucky, the person who hit me is lucky, and we are all just living in a lucky, lucky kind of world.  But, please.  If I am driving the invisible car, maybe it's time to trade in for a more visible one, like the monster truck I used to drive.  Yeah.  Hit that and you'll lose your cranium.

Here's to Monday, the body shop's expertise, and whatever tiny rental I end up with for the duration.  With a little MORE luck, I'll never see that Sonata ever again.