Sunday, December 29, 2019

SO OVER 2019

Not going to lie, 2019 was an up and down year. I don't usually make resolutions for the New Year,  but for 2020 I am going to make an exception.

So, here it is. I resolve not to take shit in 2020. I know, I know: it will happen on occasion because old habits die hard. But, I have already started. I refuse to feel guilty or squeamish about calling out people's bullshit.  I am sooooo over it all.

Welcome, 2020, and bring it on. I am totally ready, or, at the very least, in training. Here is your fair warning, people. You push my buttons, I have a response for you, and I damn well mean it.


Truly, I am so very over it. Here's  to a bullshit-free 2020. May you all be over it, as well.