Sunday, May 29, 2022


I'm not going to lie.
I'm tired.
It has been a long week personally and professionally.
I learned something this week.
I learned that if my classroom is under fire, no one is going to come help me.
Well, not necessarily true.
If I want help during a school shooting, I need the Border Patrol.
Trained officers may sit and do nothing.
Thank God I wasn't there, and may God have mercy on those who were.
The fact remains:
The police did nothing.
It astounds me that children and teachers are required to be braver than the police.
It astounds me that unarmed children and teachers will be left with a gunman.
Victims were abandoned by police for fifty minutes.
Nearly an hour of doing nothing.
Fifty minutes or more until Border Patrol refused to stand down any longer.
You can make this political.
You can make this about lobbies and money and rights.
You can stand on your soap boxes all day, but you cannot deny:
Those sworn to protect did nothing.
Please don't say that guns are the only problem.
Complacency is the problem.
Those who can affect change do nothing.
Those who could have provided those teachers and children with protection did nothing.
If you remember nothing else, remember this:
While children and teachers died, those trained did nothing.
Those with consciences did something.
The gun lobby and the police chief can retrospectively admit chagrin.
Their hollow words mean