Sunday, April 17, 2022



My sister's family recently brought home a puppy. She is nine weeks old and adorable and funny as all get-out. Her name is Helen, but I've nicknamed her Highwater. Helen Highwater.

It's easy to forget how wonderful a puppy's belly feels when you've been away from one for so long. I've decided that everyone should have a puppy belly to rub every day at work. It would make our jobs so much better.

At the end of my visit with Helen Highwater, I'm not sure who's more tired -- the puppy or me. It amazes me that the next time I see her, probably in a couple of weeks, she won't be the same little ball of fuzzy belly anymore. Oh, sure, she will still be A puppy. She won't be THE puppy. 

She may be house-trained completely by then. She may have more of a personality by then. She may be speaking more by then. But she won't have that newly-weaned puppy belly anymore, and I'm really glad that I had a chance to get to Maine and visit her before she turned into a regular puppy. No doubt she will still be adorable and fuzzy and soft, but we all know how quickly that elastic belly becomes a real dog belly, hairy and ready to be tickled under it's paw-pits.

Welcome to the family, Highwater. Save me some of that belly to rub for next time.