Sunday, February 27, 2022



I never understood the whole chia thing. You know what I'm talking about; those old "Cha-cha-cha-chia!" commercials. People would take some clay-fired shaped statue, wet it, roll it around in chia seeds, and then supposedly chia sprouts would act like hair on the statue.

They never worked right, though.

So, someone invented potting containers that looked like human heads. Yup, you put your plant into the pot and . . . voila . . . your "pot-head" becomes a "face-plant."

I've seen these containers with all kinds of plants in them. However, I've never come, well, face-to-face with one until I am shopping in Maine with my sister. We are searching for small pots to put herbs in for her kitchen windowsill. Regular old planters with irrigation holes in the bottom. Clay pots, perhaps.

Instead, we find faces. Lots of them. All sizes of them from teeny to massive. Just like real faces but glass.

There would be something creepy and disturbing about pots gazing back at us as we sit at the kitchen island and play cards. There would be something abnormal about ceramic eyes following us from one end of the kitchen to the other. Oh, sure, the faces could be spun around, but passing by the window to see glass eyeballs staring at us doesn't seem right, either, nor does it seem comforting to have the planters watch us sledding.

In the end, we cannot pull the trigger. If anyone likes the pots, you can find them in stores like Target or Michael's. Hurry, though. I'm sure everyone but my sister will be clamoring to buy pot-head face-plants this summer.