Sunday, March 8, 2020


A few weeks ago my car got hit.  A woman jumped a stop sign and, while looking to her left, completely ignored my car coming down the road on the right (with the right of way).  Surprisingly, it only took five days to fix my car.  Last time this happened I was without my car for almost three weeks.  Anyway, before dropping my car off for its repairs, I cleaned out a bunch of stuff I figured I would need: loose change, about five pairs of reading and driving glasses, and several pairs of sunglasses.

When driving the rental car, I realized that I did not have my sunglasses with me, at least not the ones with the 1.25+ (or 1.50+ ... don't judge me).  While I can wear the non-RX sunglasses, it's much safer if I drive with the ones that actually correct my driving eyesight.  I figured I must've put them in my backpack when I cleaned out the car, so I went searching.  Nope.  Not there.

Dang it.  I must've left them in my car when I left it at the body shop.  Thankfully, the time I was sans my own car was a relatively sunless few days, so it was not a huge problem.

Friday when I went to pick up my car, I immediately opened the center console.  No sunglasses.  I re-opened both the top of the center console and the big under-part of the console, as if perhaps I missed the sunglasses the first (five) time(s).  Still nothing.  I checked the side pockets on the driver's side door.  Nothing.  I looked in the mini-compartment under the radio, and I checked the glove box.  Still no sunglasses.

A few days passed and I was getting pissed off about losing my only driving sunglasses.  I'd have to get on Amazon and order another pair, not a big deal really, but the fact that I could find everything else, including stuff I had forgotten about like Dunkin's gift cards and hoarded plastic straws, was bugging me.  I checked under the seats, in the trunk, and I double-checked my backpack and my house.

Where in the hell did I put those glasses?  Did they fall out of the car?

It was nearly a week later when I arrived home after dark.  I shut the car off, reached up to hit the light and accidentally released the mini-compartment near the light button.  Yes, some of you have already figured out which mini-compartment I mean: the one for SUNGLASSES.

I was only away from my car for five days and I completely and totally forgot that my car has a SUNGLASSES COMPARTMENT in it, and that's where my SUNGLASSES live all day every day unless they are on my face.

I am pleased to report that my sunglasses are back in my possession and that it is safe for everyone, including me, to be back on the roads again.  However, I think to be extra cautious I might order another pair or two of 1.25+ (or 1.50+ ... don't judge me) sunglasses.  Truly.  I never know when I might forget that I am driving my own damn car.