Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Lately I have been feeling frumpy.  Part of it is because I AM frumpy, but part of it is that winter is hanging on and on.  I mean, it does do that through March and often parts of April, but today is SPRING, right?  My winter Mrs. Santa body has got to go.

I stop at the store on the way home.  My cart looks like I just robbed a farmer's market, and I have enough fruits and veggies to open my own produce stand.  By the end of this experiment, I will either look like a slightly less paunchy version of Mrs. Claus, or I will turn into a rabbit.

After making a relatively decent stir fry for dinner, I decide that I should probably meal-prep since I had zero food today and ended up eating past-sell-by-date cereal for lunch.  I couldn't convince myself to have lunch with my colleagues; the humiliation would have been palpable.  Instead, I stayed in my own room and slurped cereal at my desk -- a sad, truly pathetic statement on my laziness.

When I arrive home, I discover that my favorite daughter delivered corned beef and cabbage leftovers from a dinner she cooked yesterday.  After prepping all of my other food (cutting up meat to use later in the week, making a huge mega-salad for dinners and lunches, and chopping fruit and veggies into workable sizes for upcoming meals), I run the dishwasher.  I now have the leftover boiled dinner (two meals) and a huge salad (at least five meals).

My once-empty fridge is now reasonably full, the pre-storm grocery shopping is done, and I have decent lunches available for the remainder of the week, if necessary.  Sure, I still feel frumpy, but now I'm a healthy frumpy.  I blame WINTER, so SPRING better hurry its ass up and get with the program.