Friday, December 23, 2016


Ass dragging.

That's my new Olympic sport, and I am damn good at it.  These last few days before holiday break have been horrendous.  Truly, I am running just as fast as I can, but my ass drags behind me, caught in a never-ending cycle.

I make the mistake of sitting down.  One second later, I'm out cold, struggling to figure out where I am, when I am, why I am. No amount of tea or caffeine is going to help me: my body has smacked into the wall and isn't mending until I get a good sleep or two ... or three. 

I try to pump myself up, just the same.  My co-worker and I make tea during our planning block, pretending that it's making a difference.  I don't believe that it is, but even the illusion of control is worth a try, so we pour ourselves some boiled water, drop in our tea bags and ...

Well, like I said, nothing is going to help us now that we are beyond "tired."  I am still exhausted, but now I have the lingering flavor of Constant Comment on my tongue.