Wednesday, November 4, 2015



No school for the kiddos today because it's Election Day.  Guess what!  The town where I live and the town where I work?  NO ELECTIONS TODAY.  NONE.

No, instead it's Professional Development Day!  Yup, that and I have a class tonight to attend, which equals: Three hour meeting this morning.  Three hour meeting this afternoon,  Three hour class tonight.

I now officially have Plastic Chair Flat-Ass Syndrome.  (aka: PlaChaFlass)

The worst of it is that I know from the start that it is going to be a shit-on-me day when the first thing I see on my way to work this morning is a big dog all hunched up and planting a giant turd on the side of the road.

Yessiree, it's going to be a Dog Doo Day.