Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Chapter #1
Once upon a time there was a Tuesday night education class at an old school that smelled bad.  I fell asleep.  The end.

Chapter #2
I am still asleep.  The end.

Chapter #3
The teacher came by our table to inspect our work.  I pretended to be awake, aware, and interested.  I am, however, still asleep.  The end.

Chapter #4
 Forty minutes of my life that I will never get back in addition to the wasted two and a half hours ... and that's just tonight ... that I will newer get back.  Fuck my life.  The end.

Chapter #5
Oh. Dear. Lord.  Save me; I'm drowning under words.  The end.

Chapter #6
The teacher read some vocabulary words, and she said, "Frig it!" but she really said, "Frigate."  Either way ... frigate.  The end.

Chapter #7
My coworker claims that we are being punked.  I agree.  The real end.