Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Here it comes.  Well. Not quite yet, but in twenty-four hours.  Before tomorrow arrives, the Arctic Blast will pour in.  (A mini-one, anyway.)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know, I know.  Here I am picking on the weather again.  Truthfully, living in New England makes the weather a pretty easy mark. 

But here’s the thing – Are you ready?  -- Sit down and hold your arm rests because this is mind-blowing information I am about to share.  Maybe lean in a little closer to your computer screen so you don’t miss it.  Ready?

It gets cold in New England.

Right?  This is news?  I’m serious.  All over the television channels the weather people are spreading word that doom, destruction, and the degradation of the citizens will occur starting Thursday because … gasp … a cold front is moving in.

Yes, it’s November, and it’s going to get cold.  Hard to believe.  I mean, we’ve already had a storm dump almost two feet of snow in the northern regions of Maine.  It’s not like we haven’t had really cold Novembers (some with snow and some without) before this.

The problem isn’t with the weather nor with the people who live here in New England.  After all, no one forces grown adults to live anywhere in particular, especially here.  The problem is with the news stations that screech and cry and speak in strained whispers when telling New Englanders what we already know, meaning, “Hey, it’s going to snow!  Yippppeeeee!”

Some of us get excited when a blizzard approaches.  My skin doesn’t like the cold weather, but my eyes and brain love the icy, frosty, snowy New England winters.  Seriously, people, this is New England. 

I’ll say it again because our news stations and weather forecasters don’t seem to understand that we are not Southern California, and it’s not always going to be sunny and 70 degrees.

This IS New England.  Stop your histrionics and get with the program.  Shut up and put on a sweatshirt.  Or move; that’s always a choice, too.