I keep trying to correct papers at home. I don't know what the hell I am thinking! I have my own homework to do, wedding favors
to help with, books that need to be read by next week, and a Spanish test to
study for. All of these things are
manageable and even fun except for the correcting part.
So I have decided not to correct the stacks I brought home
with me. I'll work on them tomorrow
morning at school, but then that's it.
Friday includes my daughter's dress fitting and a few women
coming by to work on favors and have a relaxing evening. Saturday there's a lacrosse parents' meeting
and then my high school reunion. Sunday
is an all-day lacrosse jamboree that my son's team is hosting. Somewhere in there I have to finish my
reading for this week, write a journal, and post some stuff on the class site.
There is not one single thing on that list that I am willing
to sacrifice for papers that need to be corrected.
Look, I like my students, but I love my friends and family,
so sorry but those papers you've been waiting for will just have to wait
another day or two. Those paragraphs you
wrote aren't going anywhere.
Next week is Back To School Night. I promise I'll be organized and ready before
then, but please give me the weekend to show my family some love. After all, I'm giving you the same opportunity
with your family, right?
In the meantime, I'll keep lugging the papers home as if
I'll actually have time to look at them. It's my newest exercise program, and it
actually seems to be working.