Saturday, May 11, 2013


Today is supposed to be the annual Crafts in the Park event, or, as some of us call it, "Craps in the Park."

Let's be honest here:  Some of the shit people try to sell at these events ... NOT crafts.  Not even close.  But amen, and all the power to ya.

But the main reason why we call the event Craps on the Park is because of the weather.  The weather usually does something so horrid, so hideously and blatantly evil, that it's like being crapped on by Mother Nature.  If it weren't for the crappy weather, there would be no sense in planning something outdoors on a large scale, like this event.

One year the weather turned so ugly so quickly that the booth operators ran and hid in their cars while they hoped and prayed that their wares didn't blow away nor float away.  Crappy weather.  "Oh, CRAP!" weather.

Of course, there's also the possibility that what these craftspeople are selling really IS crap.  It's not all crap; Some of it, like the stuff my friend the Bead Lady (the original artist, not the shopkeeper) produces, is really quite cool.

If it's nice weather and hasn't started raining and thundering (today's forecast yet again), I'll walk up there and enjoy Crafts in the Park. But if it's crappy, I won't be going to Craps in the Park.

Blame Mother Nature -- After all, Sunday is Mother's Day... or some other silly crap.