Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I'm cold.
I'm cold, I'm cold, I'm sick and tired of being cold.
(I should probably stop hugging this frozen Margarita.)

It's dark.
It's dark, it's dark, I'm sick and tired of it getting dark before 5:00 p.m.
(Who am I kidding?  I'm usually asleep by 8:00 p.m.)

It's windy.
It's windy, it's windy, I'm sick and tired of chasing my trashcans down the street.
(Hence why I started tying them to the fence two years ago.)

There's frost on the car windshield.
There's frost, there's frost, there's a nasty coating of white crystals all over the car glass.
(Run out, start the car, run back inside.  Who needs auto-start?)

It's icy.
It's icy, it's icy, the damn streets are icy.
(That's it -- I'm staying home.)
This is my poem.
It doesn't rhyme.
It has stanzas.
Get over it.
Get over it, get over it, find a way to get yourself over it.
(Bite me.)