Sunday, July 21, 2024


It's that time of year again: Time when I truly believe I might find a spare moment to be creative.

I have a mish-mash of projects either half-finished or thoughtfully un-started -- fabric waiting to be cut out and sewn; yarn waiting to be knitted into rectangles; glue sticks waiting to hot-glue something together. 

Truth be told, I'm not remotely talented when it comes to hands-on creativity. Oh, I can write you a poem, story, or essay at a moment's notice. What do you need?  A report? With or without citations? Flash fiction? Limerick? The sad part about my particular talent is that AI has come along and blown it all to Neptune. What takes me months to do, AI can create in a millisecond.

No matter. I'm prepped and ready for the Artistic Apocalypse. 

You need cray-pas? I got you. Colored pencil that turn to water colors? Check. Oil paints? Acrylic paints? Fabric paints? Yes, yes, and yes. Drawing pencils? Charcoal pencils? Calligraphy pens? You don't even have to ask.

Back in college, I had to take a drawing class to fulfill a fine arts elective. It was 101-level, meaning we were all supposed to suck at it. But, much to our mutual horror, we had an art major in our class because, like us, Drawing 101 fit into his schedule as a fine arts credit. We all felt like pathetic failures.

Hope does spring eternal.

Last summer I reorganized all of my random supplies. This summer perhaps I should attempt to use them. If not, then I'll do what I did with half the excess craft stuff from last summer's clean out: I'll donate it. 

What's that you ask? What happened to the other half of the excess craft stuff from last summer? Don't look in my closet at school. You just might find that I pretend to do crafts at work, too.

Like I said, when that artistic apocalypse hits, whether I'm at home or in class, I'm ready.