Sunday, January 14, 2024


Yay, snow! A little late for Christmas, but snow, just the same.  

Our predicted three-to-six inches of snow turned into a prediction of six-to-eight, and ended up being about fourteen inches of snow when the storm was over. Nearby towns beat that with up to eighteen inches of snow. We thought we were getting away with a minor hit when it stopped snowing Sunday morning, but then the storm ramped up and just kept dumping more and more of the white stuff everywhere all afternoon with a third smack returning after dinner.

Don't get me wrong. I live in New England. I'm a snow lover through and through. My skin hates the cold, but I do love the seasons and the precipitation. No way am I complaining. But . . . 

But, then the weather turned. Mid-week it started to rain. Pour, actually. High winds and buckets and buckets of rain. The snow melted fast, too fast, and the coast was facing what's called King Tides, an astronomical condition that causes higher than normal tides. 

Then, it happened again later in the week. You may have seen pictures from up here. Pieces of lighthouses floating out to sea, cabins from islands floating into land, and waves the size of buildings battering anything and everything in their paths. We're not the only ones, either. There's a lot of damage happening up and down the eastern states. 

Sadly, the rain took the snow with it. Oh, sure, plenty of people wish the snow good riddance, but there's something wonderful about the world covered in fresh snow, especially snow that sticks to the branches and everything it touches. Maybe not when it sticks to the shovel, though. That kind of stinks big time, and it also stinks when the snow weighs down the electric lines and cuts us off from the modern world. 

It was only the first storm of the season, so there is plenty of time for more of nature's shenanigans. The casinos around here would probably fare better betting on the weather forecasters who cannot seem to predict a snowfall with any accuracy despite having the latest technology available to them. Today it is rainy and in the 50s. Tomorrow it will be in the 30s with snow showers. Right now, Friday is expected to be 19 degrees with snow predicted. 

Place your bets and try to synthesize the forecasts, which will no doubt run the gamut. In the meantime, I'll just repeat myself: Yay, snow! A little late for Christmas, but snow, just the same.