Sunday, January 1, 2023


New Year; Old Habits.

Everyone does it. Some people do it with intention; others deny doing it, but it happens subconsciously, anyway. Yup. I am referring to the internal and external conversation commonly deemed New Year's Resolutions. 

This year I will . . . 

Instead, how about four for This year I won't . . . Think of it as my New Year in musical time. Here are my 4/4: 

This year I won't hold my tongue as often when people need to be called out. (Already practicing this as I age.)

This year I won't make up excuses for not doing things, especially at work. I'll just say "NO" and move along. (Consequently -- )

This year I won't deny myself new adventures as often, even out of my comfort zone. (This ties into being overworked and overtired, though, so it's going to be a symbiotic challenge.) 

This year I won't forget "me time" to read, write, watch TV, do crossword puzzles, randomly search the internet for bizarre stories, or whatever the hell else I feel like spending my waning time doing.

That's about as far as I am willing to compromise with 2023. I mean, honestly: 2023 could be another asshole like 2020 turned out to be. I'm not risking any hope or faith on the little brat until it has proven itself worthy.

Here's to 2023 -- may it know its damn place in the world.