Sunday, July 11, 2021


I do not have a green thumb.

About the only thing I can grow is mold, so I am amazed that I still have a tiny sprig of basil growing and that a flowering plant I received at the end of school three weeks ago is still alive. Shocking.

In an effort to pretend that I am actually able to keep seasonal plants alive, I go to Home Depot and check out their sale rack. That’s right: If I am going to kill the plants anyway, I might as well buy some that are cheap and already halfway dead. This way I have a self-fulfilling prophecy and I also haven’t broken the wallet.

I know I want geraniums because those help to keep mosquitoes at bay. With a porch that faces the woods and also now is on a flood plain due to recent storms, those little blood-suckers can be a real problem. But I also want some color that is not limited to orange and gold. Since the sale sign claims the plants in this particular area are all three for ten dollars, I promptly select six containers. Twenty-plus-tax dollars later, I happily bring home my plants.

I am pleased to report that although I had to dead-head several of the shoots, my six (yes, ALL SIX) plants have survived a week so far. I know; hard to believe, but it’s the truth. Even my basil plant is hanging on for dear life.

I may not have an official green thumb, but for seven days it sure has felt like it. I’m willing to celebrate small victories.