Sunday, January 10, 2021


I have a small patio table that I bring inside for the winter. I want to use it for a puzzle table, but there’s a problem: there’s an umbrella hole in the middle of it. Not only is it a hole, but there is a metal lip around it as reinforcement.

Conundrum: How to adequately cover the center hole and still be able to use this as a puzzle table.

I start with cardboard. Unfortunately, the cardboard won’t sit flat enough to put a puzzle together on it. Then I think of a piece of wood, but that requires a trip to either a lumber yard or home depot. Besides, I don’t need one more thing in the house that will be hard to store, like a larger rectangle of plywood.

A friend and I are in The Dollar Store recently. I could buy a zillion things, but there’s nothing I need, so I hang near out in the entry vestibule while she is in line to check out. All of a sudden, a woman exits with three pieces of foam core. That’s right: foam core, big rectangles of lightweight but sturdy white foam with heavy paper on each side.

I rush back into the store where I see a man with two more pieces of foam core.  Where is it, I ask desperately, now believing that the woman and this guy are hoarding my coveted prize.  The gentleman sees mania in my eyes and walks me over three aisles to a huge supply of foam core, each piece only one dollar because, hey, this is The Dollar Store. I grab two pieces of foam core, about 24x36, and get into line.

I am pleased to report that the foam core works, the hole in the patio table is no match for my brilliance, and I have recently completed not one but two different puzzles, successfully connected on one of the pieces of foam core. Success! All for two measly dollars. Life is good!