Sunday, November 24, 2019


I've decided to build an ark.

I don't have any great desire to save two of every species.  I don't even have any biblical leanings outside of the realm of normalcy.

What I do have is a severe aversion to and complete exhaustion with the weather; to be more exact: RAIN.  Lately I feel more like I live in London or Seattle than I do in New England.  Twice, perhaps three times in the last three weeks, I have been able to see the sun.

I drive to work, and it rains.  I drive home from work, and it rains.  I go to appointments (doctor, dinner, work meetings), and it rains.  I slog groceries from the car to the door, and it rains.  I think happy thoughts, and it rains.  I think sad thoughts, and it rains.

It truly feels like it has been raining for forty days and forty nights straight.  Oh, it hasn't really, but the everyday gray of the sky and the rain nearly every damn day combine to make it truly seem like the last sunny day happened years ago, decades away.

Imagine my utter surprise when I look out of the living room window and see .... the sun.

It's a fleeting glimpse.  It's dusk, and soon it will be dark and I won't be able to see anything, sun or otherwise.  However, for a brief time, about ten minutes' worth, I am able to remember what it used to be like, back in the olden days of about a month ago, when a bright, glowing object in the sky actually shone from above and cast shadows and gave light and created heat and made the world a happy place.

Fear not, though.  It's already raining again.