Sunday, May 12, 2019


Just about three weeks ago
I hit a big snafu:
My monthly cable TV bill
Was making me cuckoo.
I called the cable company
To see what they could do,
But basically they laughed at me
And told me to go screw.
I'd done a little research,
So now I had a clue:
Maybe I'd start streaming,
Or maybe I'd pursue
Switching the provider --
No way would I renew!
My son took both good TV's
When he moved to somewhere new,
And left behind the smaller sets
(The ones I used to view),
So buying at least one TV
Was on my list, I knew.
I researched all my options for
About a week or two.
I mean, I'm smart and I am sly,
Ideas I did chew,
But going rogue from cable
Was above my tech IQ.
I made some lists and checked the Web
And read every review --
My wants and needs were simple:
My channels - just few.
I knew about the service,
I knew about Roku,
I knew about the hype and scams
And knew what was untrue.
I bought a TV, set it up,
Everything went through.
I made the big decision that
For TV's I'd need two.
Antennas added to the mix,
Stations now -- a slew!
I am watching network shows!
What a great breakthrough!
Although I kept my internet,
I paid the bill pre-due,
And when the new month came along
The bill made me goo-goo.
So if you're thinking cut the cord,
Throw cable in the doo,
I say, "Get some streaming,
And tell cable, 'Dudes, FUCK YOU!'"