Sunday, February 10, 2019


Finally.  I am finally getting to four years' worth of writing magazines. 

Oh, sure, I've looked through them, but I kept telling myself to pull out an article here or there then never did.  I could say (truthfully) that I kept the magazines to use as resources for my MA in English (citations), but the whole truth is that I was too overwhelmed to go through them post-degree.  After having to change my capstone project at the last minute, I was too utterly pissed off to go through the magazine pile for any reason.

For more than four damn years.

Finally, this weekend I decide it's time to rid myself of these magazines.  I am ready to exorcise my demons.  I start with 2014 and slowly work my way forward in time.  Obviously there are articles I am not bothering to save, like which literary agencies are searching for writers circa August 2015.   But other articles (like business expenses and tax credits for writers) are worth saving.

So, I sit with my scissors and stapler and start attacking the pile.  It takes me three days.

I still have 2017 and 2018 to shuffle through, but I am fresh from a grand wine tasting, where five tables of multiple bottles of wine each have primed me for just about anything, including tearing out and stapling professional writers' articles.  It's not too horrible when I get home and immediately open prosecco to help me along.  Homemade nachos are just the bonus to this whole scenario.

I must persevere.  Tuesday is recycling day, and I am damned determined to get these magazines out of my house.  It's all about trimming the fat at this point, and these magazines, though helpful, are ultimately the fat of my existence right now. 

Besides, once I clear off the pile of magazines, I can honestly start zeroing in on clearing off the top of my desk for its intended purpose: Writer's Heaven.

I'll post pictures when it's done.