Sunday, January 9, 2022



It's not much, but we'll take it.

We finally get some decent snow, but it's only about six inches of super-fluffy snow, not even damp enough for snowballs. It's better than nothing.

All of you who live in New England, or any other snow-belt state: If you're old enough to live on your own and you hate snow or cold . . . MOVE. That's right; I said it. MOVE. Stop putting a damper on those of us who love, love, LOVE snow.

I went sledding recently with some of my family. We filmed in slo-mo, and the results are hilarious. You can't do that crap in Florida, I guarantee that. How can you laugh so hard that you almost pee your snow-pants unless you live where snow-pants are a necessity?

First significant snow = Lame. Enough to cancel school but not enough to snowshoe. 

Oh, well. It'll do. For now. Bring on a blizzard of epic proportions. I know in my lifetime I won't see another blizzard of '78, but it sure would be fun to experience it again. For now, I'll take what little Mother Nature doles out and be happy.