Sunday, April 4, 2021


 At the time of writing this, I have not moved yet, but at the time this will be published, I will be in and waiting for the cable guy to show up (which is why I am putting this in the queue ahead of time). I am actually moving into an apartment I have NEVER SEEN.

You read that correctly. I have never seen the apartment into which I am moving.

Oh, sure, I saw a facsimile when I toured the available apartment. But I did not want to be on the first floor. The apartment was fine, the right size and all, but just too … not me. I’d have the rain beating down on the concrete patio and the lights from cars shining directly into my bedroom.  You know, things that annoy me already.

Nope, this apartment is on the second floor, with a porch, plus a dining room, and a gas fireplace. At least, that’s what I am signed up for on paper. However, the model apartment I toured had no dining room and no fireplace. Oh, it had a lovely bay window, but I’d rather have the fireplace, and I’d rather be off the bottom floor but not on the top floor.

So, folks, you may get a raving blog from me next week saying that I am taking the thirty-day guarantee and high-tailing it out of here. Or, you may hear me say, “God bless the cable person for coming out on Easter Sunday to make sure that I don’t miss a single episode of Wicked Tuna here in this new place.”

Either way, I am flying blind and doing something out of character even for me: I’m moving into the abyss and hoping it’s not too crazy a maneuver.

Who am I kidding? This is totally in character for me. This is the kind of spontaneous stuff I do, like buying a manual transmission car without ever having actually driven one (trained as a passenger but never a driver) then driving it straight through the middle of the city of Lawrence, Massachusetts, figuring if I stall out there, I deserve whatever fate the questionable neighborhoods would deal to me. (I never stalled it – not even once.)

Wish me luck! If the Fates smile on me, I’ll post pictures. Knowing me, I’ll post pictures even if the Fates crap all over me.