Sunday, January 31, 2021


Well, it’s winter up here in the Northeast. Or, should I say, “Up heeyah.”

We can tell because our skin hurts, our ears become numb in nanoseconds, snot freezes instantly in our nostrils, and every finger has split at a different joint at least once, flinging blood in any direction it so pleases to fly.

Ah, winter.

The downside is that we are in a serious cold spell right now. The other day we had wind-chill feel-like temperatures averaging -20 degrees. Going outside is physically painful and the heating bills are quadrupling right now.

The upside, however, is that the cold air creates the perfect conditions for a Nor’easter. Monday and Tuesday it appears that the southwest regions will be sending us some moisture. This is fabulous news because it means that we are going to get snow.

That’s right: SNOW; the four-letter word that so many of you detest.

This is where I am totally confused. Unless you live with your parents and are underage, you are not forced to stay here. If you don’t like snow, MOVE. I hate listening to the weather people, the newscasters, and a large portion of the population north of the Mason-Dixon Line all bellyaching about snow.

People! That’s what we do here. It’s why we live here. It snows.  It either falls softly and quietly like it did last week, or it belts the shitolsky out of us and holws and screeches and blasts the electricity to oblivion, in which case we may all freeze to death because it’s so freaking cold out, but that’s the fun of the gamble. 

Every snow storm should come with Clint Eastwood aiming a giant snow machine at us while he says through clenched teeth, “Do you feel lucky, punks? Well? Do ya?”

I feel lucky. Bring it.