Sunday, June 2, 2019


My family has long-since accused me of wrapping gifts like I'm trying to waterproof them.  Compared to the rest of my family, I am a goddamned amateur.


Sure, I'll put stuff in the mailing box inside of a plastic bag in case the delivery people leave the box outside.  And I tape boxes shut but only down the middle ... mostly.  If you think my taping jobs are precise, you have yet to meet my siblings, in particular, my older sister.

First of all, my older sister is an excellent seamstress, crafts person, cook, baker, singer, musician, horseback rider, card player ... There is not one thing on this earth at which I exceed my sister's abilities.  None.  She isn't openly competitive, either; it just happens.  She isn't smug or evil or sulky.  She just is better at absolutely everything.

Recently we attended my niece's graduation (my older sister's daughter), and we also helped her finish packing for a move.  My niece's stuff needs to go into temporary storage while she is between work assignments for a few months.  Of course, I am wrapping plates and glassware, not overly so, but enough that things will fit into the boxes and not start cracking and chipping. 

My sister is tending to the silverware.  Yes, the silverware ... in a plastic silverware tray.  Silverware that's made of metal.

The next thing I know, the giant roll of bubble wrap is almost nonexistent.  Hey, I think and probably even say out loud, I'm wrapping glassware here.  Where's the damn bubble wrap disappearing to?

Then, I see it.  At first I'm not entirely certain what it is.  It looks like a huge square bubble, or perhaps a container with a vital organ awaiting transplant at some nearby medical facility.  This package is so well protected that the entire Boy Scouts of America couldn't open the thing with a dozen Swiss Army knives.  Surely it must be some amazing treasure that my sister found while cleaning out kitchen drawers.  Perhaps it's some relic from bygone kitchen cutlery days.  Maybe it's a treasure.  Maybe it's the damn Hope diamond!


It's the silverware tray, now completely and totally bubble wrapped and waterproofed with clear packing tape.  My niece will need special carving tools just to cut through the outer layer (which is probably layer #6 of as many).

It figures.  My family may think I am the undisputed Queen of Waterproof Packaging, but I have been officially dethroned, and handily so, by my older sister, who wins yet again without realizing there was ever a competition afoot.