Monday, June 18, 2018


My landlord is finally fixing up the backyard.  It's a little ironic now that his children are older, but he's out there every day working on the patio area, putting down stones, building a giant stone fire pit. It's a little depressing to me that now there will be noise and sparks flying into my windows. 

I've enjoyed about fifteen years of complete and utter peaceful bliss here.  Now, though, there are workmen peering onto my patio (which sits eye-level to their backyard).  This cuts into my sunbathing BIG TIME.  It's weird enough having them all seeing me in my shorts and bathing suit top, but now their eyeballs are right at my stretch-out level; in other words, my reclining cleavage is on full display, and, if I turn just right, I'm willing to bet there's a decent up-my-shorts view of my underwear.

I love my patio, but it's no longer private and it will be even less private when my landlord's patio is completely finished.  I certainly don't begrudge them using their own backyard.  I mean, seriously: It's about damn time.  But there is a huge part of me that hates to see the last of my privacy evaporate, especially just as summer is getting started.

I guess I'll have to plan my sunbathing a little more strategically now.  Either that, or I'll need to adopt a "show must go on" attitude and invest in much, much better shorts and bathing suit tops.