I'm at the crossroads yet again. I like my hair long; I like my hair short; I'm not so fond of the in-between stage. I am currently in the in-between stage. Now, I have to make a decision whether or not to keep my bangs, which look a little better but are a royal pain in the ass to keep in place, or go with the grown-out bangs, which gives my face a look of eternal surprise but makes my hair a thirty-second adventure every morning.
To bangs, or not to bangs -- Is that even a question?
The original decision was simple when I let my hair go gray because my hair just kind of sat there on my head, all old and .... old. With long gray hair, I looked like a crazy English teacher. Okay, I'm sure you see the irony here. So I chopped it all off. Then I started growing it. Then, I chopped it. Then, I grew it out almost long enough to being able to make a pony-tail.
My stylist is the best. She tolerates my hair-cutting-Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde personality. Whatever length it is, she makes it look fabulous. Of course, I cannot recreate the looks because I am hair-challenged, but she is patient to near madness. Finally, I said to her, "Cut it. If you cut it the way I want, you can color it any way you choose."
Well, she colored it soooooo well that now I HAVE to grow it out because it looks and feels FABULOUS. (Besides, the older I get, the more I look like my mother when my hair is short. This is not a compliment. This is a reality I need to accept.) My stylist is totally convinced that my bangs can be side-swept. I have tried this before many times. When the stylist does this to my hair, it looks marvelous; when I do it, I resemble Twiggy after a week-long bender.
Anyway, I guess it will be a big surprise to us all. Yesterday, I had no bangs and pulled them all off my face with a headband. The day before, I had bangs. When I have bangs, the look accentuates my eyes but the bangs don't behave. When I pull my bangs back, people can see the widow's peak hairline that resembles Bela Lugosi in Dracula.
Either way, I cannot win, and I cannot lose. My hair isn't gray anymore, and I don't look so much like my mother anymore; it's got to be all good from there.