Monday, October 10, 2016


I have officially reached my limit.

Actually, I think I reached it a week or so ago, but now it's to the point where I don't even pay any attention whatsoever to the rhetoric.

Oh, sure, call me an uninformed voter.  Go ahead.  However, you would be incorrect.  I am informed.  What I am not and do not wish to be is over-informed. 

Someone grabs young women's pussies; someone else sticks cigars in young women's vaginas.  Pussy ... vagina ... vagina ... pussy ... Let's call the whole thing off.  (My apologies to the Gershwins.)

Taxes, stolen White House merchandise, illegal employment, terrorist refugees...

Know what I think?  Here's what I think.:  SHUT THE FUCK UP.

No, really and truly.  You can coddle and manipulate your candidate however you want, and you can post on social media, and you can bombard me with reasons why your loser candidate is better than someone else's loser candidate. You have that right to speak.

But -- so do I.  My free speech is this:


No, I'm not aggravated because you're exercising your right to free speech. I'm aggravated because the more people back these assholes, the more like a bunch of assholes you all look.  There.  That's MY right to FREE SPEECH.

Wake up, people.  None of the candidates deserves to be Commander in Chief.  If you were honest and serious with yourself, you'd admit it.  But, go ahead, keep on keeping on, if you must.

Maybe da Nile really is a river in Egypt.  Maybe when one or the other of the lunatics we have to choose from gets elected, half the fucking population will move to da Nile and let the rest of us fend for ourselves as best we can. 

You wanna know how I'm voting?  I'm for SECESSION.  I love my country, but I am completely exasperated with it right now.  For the sake of my sanity, I will block my ears and cover my eyes.  I will see no evil; I will do no evil, I will hear no evil.

I honestly have no fucking idea what I'm going to do come election day.  I might do what Johnny from Airplane does.  I might take my ballot and make a hat ... or a brooch ... or a pterodactyl. When I say this to someone, she vehemently replies, "Oh, you KNOW who you're voting for.  Don't play games." 

FUCK YOU, no I do NOT know for whom I am voting.  And it's subversive and insulting and belittling remarks like this that make me want even less and less to vote in this sham of an election.  SHAM.  Because that's what it is.  We have two low-life criminal money launderers, masters at their crafts and wizards with their wayward words, and a damn pot head running for president.

If that doesn't depress you greatly, oh, well, I don't truly want to hear about it, so maybe both of us should just shut the fuck up about the election until after it's finally and truly over.