Sunday, August 17, 2014


I was just wondering what it would be like if my blog entry actually became a Mad Lib. 

Name of person in room:  _____________________________________
U. S. state:  ________________________________________________
Plural animals:  _____________________________________________
Different plural animals:  ______________________________________
Plural type of birds:  __________________________________________

Food:  _____________________________________________________
Another plural animals:  _______________________________________
Adjective: __________________________________________________
Body of water:  ______________________________________________
Plural noun:  ________________________________________________

Adjective:  __________________________________________________
Plural noun:  ________________________________________________
Adjective:  __________________________________________________
Noun:  _____________________________________________________
Plural noun:  ________________________________________________

Food:  _____________________________________________________
Plural article of clothing:  _______________________________________
Verb ending with –ed:  ________________________________________
Plural noun:  ________________________________________________
Verb ending with –ing: ________________________________________

Adjective:  __________________________________________________
Compass direction:  __________________________________________
Number:  ___________________________________________________
Noun:  _____________________________________________________
Room in the house:  __________________________________________
Weather condition:  __________________________________________

Last week my friend  (name of person in room) and I went to the zoo in (U. S. state).  While we were there, we saw many species of (plural animals) and (different plural animals) and even some (plural type of birds).  We fed (food) to the baby (another plural animals), also called kids, and they were really (adjective).  We threw some of the food into the (body of water) and almost hit the people paddling by in the (plural noun).  We walked through the (adjective) park where the kiddie (plural noun) were located.  The park had a/an (adjective) house, a small roller (noun), and little (plural noun) for the kids to ride on a track.  After we ate (food) for lunch, we changed into (plural article of clothing) and (verb ending with –ed) and went to Short (plural noun) Beach.  My friend went (verb ending with –ing), but I thought the water was a little too (adjective) for swimming.  When we were all done at the beach, we started driving (compass direction) on route (number) at stopped at the famous tourist (noun), Stonewall (room in the house).  The weather was wonderful – it stayed (weather condition) all day!

Hmmmm, doesn't sound any weirder than my usual adventures.  Touche, Mad Lib Blog Entry, touche.